時事英語大学 > -分野別- > クローン全般
クローン全般 (2005/12/28最終更新)
2005/12/28 (Wed.)
Dolly the Sheep
Professor Ian Wilmut
Regenerative Medicine
people with terminal illnesses
master cell
2005/12/28 (Wed.)
daughter cell
inherited disease
・遺伝病 / 遺伝性疾患
motor neurone disease
spinal cord injury
Human Genetics
2005/12/20 (Tue.)
cloning expert
cloned dog
embryonic stem cells
・胚性幹細胞 / ES細胞
replacement organ
stem cell lines
2005/12/07 (Wed.)
bioethics laws
stem cell
human embryos
human eggs
provenance of the eggs
・卵子の出所 / 卵子の提供者